Philippians 1:3-4, I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making request with joy.
As each year passes, I’m truly thankful unto God for what he has done because without him we can do nothing. Mt. Zion as we look forward lets us not forget, if it had not been for the Lord who is on our side, tell me where we would be. Let us continue to be committed to God’s, and show the world that we are God children’s. There is still work to do so let us work while it is day because when night comes no man can work. Let us do all we can to help each other and show the world that God loves them and we do too, There is a dying world that needs what we got and what we got is Jesus Christ, so let us tell them and show them by the life we live. For I know with God’s guidance there is nothing that we can’t do if we continue to trust in the Lord, and allow him to direct our path (Mt. Zion). So as we move forward, let us continue to be on one accord in the Lord, It is my prayer that we are the church that sits on the hill, a church of the community, a place where all who come will be welcome, with opened arms. It is my promise with God’s help to teach you the Word of God and shape your lives, so you can become good stewarts, so I’m asking you Mt. Zion, let’s commit as a church to take the Word of God to the Streets, I thank God for each and every one of you. May God bless and keep you, will forever be my prayers.
Pastor Larry J. Adams